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Guide to Making Sales on Amazon

This article will set out all you need to know about optimizing your sales potential on Amazon in 2022.
Build relevant words into your listing.
Search Terms
It’s important that when customers type certain words they find your product.
Buyer Intent
Predicting customer intent by looking at what other items they might want to buy. Someone searching for shampoo might also be looking to buy conditioner.
Showing up on the results page is one thing but you need customers to actually click on your listing. Poor conversion rates will result in the A9 algorithm not showing your results as frequently in PPC ads. A 20% unit session rate is great, 7-15% is OK and anything under 7% and you’re looking at penalization from Amazon. Remedy the problem by improving your images, search terms, copy and price. Bear in mind that Amazon conversion rates are higher than similar sites like Shopify.
Rise and falls in sales volume is not ideal. Try and maintain a regular velocity of sales.
Organic Results
Because only 30% of customers get past the first 10 search results it’s imperative your product is somewhere in that first 10. The top 3 search results are understandably the most important. Getting a high position on the results page is particularly important when selling commodity items. Customers looking to buy less-frequently bought or big-ticket items such as Mother’s Day gifts will generally scroll down further.
Your leading image is so important in getting people to click on your product. Guidelines have to be followed but be creative and show your product in the best possible light.
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The Customers’ Decision-Making Process
These factors come into play when customers make the choice of whether to buy or not to buy…
Does your product offer value for money? The perception of good value is important – if the customer thinks he’s getting a bargain they will most likely make the purchase.
Prime Shipping
FBA beats FBM. Customers love the speedy shipping that Prime offers and being listed as a Prime-eligible item increases customer trust in your brand.
Review Quality and Quantity
Potential customers love seeing positive reviews from certified buyers. The Amazon algorithm pays particular attention to longer reviews as they contain more information than shorter ones.
This aspect of your business can wait until you’re a bit further along in the process, but even small sellers can build reputable brands and challenge the big players.
Search Terms and Page Ranking
Popular search terms are not actually the best ones – they are ultra-competitive. Mid-lower-range long-tail keywords (more words) often offer higher conversion rates. Because they are specific long-tail keywords have a high conversion rate. You should really be aiming to appear on page one of the results page.
Between 8 am and 7 pm (PST) is when most selling occurs on Amazon – around 75% in fact: focus on this selling window. In regards to PPC maybe reduce your bids that fall outside this time frame - you don’t want to waste money.
Customers are more likely to buy your item if it stands out from the crowd. Sleek logos, fashionable coloring and good quality packaging will all help justify a higher price tag. Consider getting a legal patent if your product is easily duplicated by rival sellers.